About a month ago gasoline spilled in my car when I was bringing home a small tank full for my lawn mower. I thought I would never get the overpowering gasoline smell out, but here is what worked for me. It only took about 24 hours and the car was rid of the odor.
See the steps here
-"How to Eliminate Gasoline Odor in Carpet Without Using Harmful Chemicals
About a month ago gasoline spilled in my car when I was bringing home a small tank full for my lawn mower. I thought I would never get the overpowering gasoline smell out, but here is what worked for me. It only took about 24 hours and the car was rid of the odor. See the steps here -"How to Eliminate Gasoline Odor in Carpet Without Using Harmful Chemicals http://www.ehow.com/how_5137947_eliminate-carpet-using-harmful-chemicals.html
Gasoline will evaporate. sometimes it takes time but you could vacumme it out with a shop vac. To get the smell out, you will only be able to cover it up.
While alcohol cleans many things it may also harm many things. The gasoline may melt your carpet depending on it's chemical makeup and the alcohol may also melt your carpet. Gasoline odors will eventually go away but if you add alcohol to it, it may prolong the odor and makes for a potentially dangerous carpet. Gasoline vapors and alcohol vapors are extremely flamable. It you want to get rid of the gasoline odor then I would suggest that you scrob it with mild soap and water. I would advise against using any mechanical carpet cleaner or vacuum cleaner because a spark from the motor on either machine can ignite the vapors. That will take care of the gasoline odor and every other odor except for the smoke from the fire. Just get a bucket of warm soapy water and a scrub brush and clean the area. Soak up as much of the soapy liquid as you can with dry rags or old towels and let it air dry.
some small amounts of vodka or spotshot. you can get spotshot at a local Walgreen's and that works a charm.
Insecticide, drain cleaners and carpet cleaning fluids are poisonous. Others items include toilet bowl cleaner, furniture polish, gasoline, antifreeze and windshield washer.
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keep scrubbin. if you want to you can get the carpet replaced. no real way to effectively get rid of it. it should go away over time though. i myself like the smell of gasoline
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