

Best Answer
AnswerFirst you need, a drivers license, a car, and VALID registration.

Then, LOTS AND LOTS of phone calls so you can sop around for the best rates, you can go through brokers, (its like a shopping mall for insurance companies), and once you hear some numbers you like (depending on the coverage), you make a down payment, sign several legally required papers, then you;re all set.

Try this site where you can get quotes from different companies

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Q: How do you get auto insurance?
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For cheap auto insurance in New York I would suggest trying Progressive auto insurance.

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You have to have a vehicle to carry auto insurance.

Where can i get direct auto insurance?

You can go to to get direct auto insurance.

Which companies provide check auto insurance?

There are several different companies that provide check auto insurance. Some of these include: B&W Auto Insurance, Canadian Direct Auto Insurance, and Progressive.