Fuse diagram for Ford F550 Dump truck
What is the hydraulic oil capacity of the 97' Ford F 800 dump truck with a Heil dump body.
Ford produced their first dump truck in 1970 with the Ford L Series Trucks. They produced many such models until 1998 when production on them was stopped.
You can locate a Ford dump truck for sale online using the Commercial Truck Trader website. You can also find someone on the autos section of the eBay auction website.
can you help
empty weight
A tandem axle (ten wheel) dump truck can typically weigh between 20,000 and 25,000 lbs., depending on make, model, steel or aluminum dump body, etc.
4600 lbs
No way of answering the question without knowing which model Ford you had in mind.
Centre of the front axle to the centre of the rear axle.