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Q: How do you get a gas truck to blow black smoke?
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Why does your gas furnace blow black smoke in the house?

# Why doe the gas furnace blow black smoke?

What can you put on your gas truck to cause it to blow smoke?

A for sale sign, then buy a diesel.

How do you make a 96 f350 blow black smoke?

Poor a pint of oil in the gas tank that will get her smokin! :)

Black smoke from the exhaust pipe?

Black smoke is ALWAYS too much gas going through the engine. They get bad gas mileage. See a mechanic.

Why is a 1991 ford explorer running rich you smell gas and black exhaust is coming out?

If you have black smoke coming out it would be because you have bad timings, i have a buddy who had that happen to his jeep and we replaced the spark plugs and air filter and fixed the timing and it solved the problem, but wen you blow black smoke its because of bad timing it happens with diesels to.

Does gas cause white smoke to come out the muffulers?

yes but if it is black it is burning gas

Why is my 1992 Chevy truck smoking only on take off?

blue smoke=oil in the combustion chamber(i.e. valve seals etc) white smoke=coolant in the combustion chamber(head gasket etc) black smoke=gas in the combustion chamber(leaky valve etc)

Why is there Black smoke in gas engine?

excessive or unburnt fuel.

What causes a 1987 Chevy caprice to blow black smoke when I crank it up and while its running?

Black smoke is always too much gas. Its running too rich. Poor mpg! A good mechanic can scan it in a minute. Might be an O2 sensor failure causing 'open loop' all the time.

Why does your dodge cummins smoke on hills?

it smokes on hills problably because your giving it gas if it is black smoke

Is white smoke polute more than black smoke?

Generally speaking, white smoke is steam and generally does not pollute at all, whereas black smoke is pure burned ash that has been turned into a gas.

Why is your 1997 s-10 blowing black exhaust smoke and feels like it is not getting any gas?

Actually it is getting too much gas. Black smoke is an indication of an overly rich fuel mixture.