by flat tow i assume you mean with all four wheels on the road and rolling.
if it is front wheel drive, although many people do this behind rv's, if not a wise idea. unless the engine is running, and thereby turning the transmission, the oil is not circulated in the transmission. no oil circulation, no oil supplied to the bearings that will be turning as you roll down the road. you run the risk of burning you output seals and even you transmission. take the drive wheels off the road with a dolly or trailer. if you are referring to a rear wheel drive vehicle, simply detach the drive shaft, tie it securely up and have a good trip. if you have no mechanical savvy and you still insist on doing any of this without the proper precautions i spole about get a tow attachment on the front of your car to be towed behind whatever the tow vehicle is and have a good trip. just make sure you put the car in neutral. dont be surprised if you need a trans after doing this a couple times though.
You should never tow a car with Automatic transmission
Remove the driveshafts.
The owners manual said that the car is only supposed to be towed flat, given that its an automatic transmission. The manual is not to be towed flat or used to tow anything. Hope that helps
Yes, you can tow an automatic transmission Saab, but you must be very careful to tow it without it being "in gear". If that is not possible then it is best to have the car moved on a flat-bed truck, or by raising the driving wheels so that they are on a "dolly". A dolly is a sort of low wheeled vehicle which can have the "driven" wheels of the car sitting on the dolly, and not on the road surface.
you can NOT tow any front wheel drive car flat. Damage to the transmission WILL occur.
Place the transmission in Park and the transfer case in neutral.
Yes with the front tiers off the ground.
put it in neutral, you can also have someone steering the car
If the truck is manual trans, just put it in neutral and tow away.. if it is automatic, you will need to disconnect the driveshaft or risk ruining the transmission.
depends. the car could be damaged differently.
If it is a standard shift and not an automatic, yes as long as you put it in neutral. If it is an automatic you can disconnect the drive shaft. Otherwise you cannot tow it or you will damage the transmission as it will overheat.
Would not do this. Even with a manual transmission, flat towing a front wheel drive car is NOT recommended.