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First find the source of the rattle then determine what steps to take to stop it.

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Q: How do you fix the rattle on back end Lexus rx300 2004?
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The PCV valve for a 2000 Lexus rx300 is on the passenger side of the engine. It is on the valve cover near the back.

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Back bank, left corner.

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You have light bulb that is burned out at the back of the vehicle.

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Back bank left to right, 1,3,5. Front bank left to right, 2,4,6.

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They go on the back tires I believe. You can get help, just go to google and search it up.

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I find that situation occurs with our RX300 when someone hits/bumps the turn signal switch arm. Often the "toggle" for the lights changes to the "off" position. It's somewhat frustrating when you turn the car on at night expecting the headlights to turn on automatically. All you need to do is turn it back to the "on" position.

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Buy an Lexus RX300, I have had it since 2000 with no problems unlike the 1998 Intrepid that I replaced. Open drivers door. On the side of dash there is a pannel with a handle in it. pull that off an there is the fuses. look on back of cover you pulled off to see what 1 it is.

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Remove the wiring harness from the high mount brake light. Remove the back cover of the brake light assembly. Take hold of the brake light connector, push in and turn at the same time. Reverse the process to install the new brake light.

What would make a rattling sound in a 1999 dodge ram 1500 pickup truck engine?

A baby in the back (with a rattle of course), or a rattle snake under the seat