Depends greatly on what year make and model you have. Often the primary causes are but are not limited to:
1. Bad sensor
2. Bad computer or it needs reprogrammed
3. bad wiring/connector.
I had these in a 2001 Buick Park Avenue. An emmisions shop showed me in their book it was an ignition control module. I replaced it but the new one was obviously defective (multiple misfires code and ran like a tank). I put the old one back in and the codes 1361 and 1362 disappeared and have not returned. Could be luck but I believe there was either a bad connection (speck of corrosion) or the ICM reset upon reinstalling. I know it works for phones most Of the time, unplug them and plug them back and the trouble mysteriously disappears. Worth a shot.
Trouble code P1361 means: TDC Sensor Intermittent Interruption
Trouble code P1361 means: Ignition Coil/Amplifier Cylinder 3 Circuit Open
The cause for an error code p1361 on a Buick Park Avenue is ignition control circuit low voltage. The power or wiring leading into the circuit is damaged or incorrect.
You have to fix the cause of the trans codes.
Do the A+B+select+start trick
P1362 code indicates a faulty top dead center sensor. It could be the sensor or a distributor problem. There is also the off chance that it is related to the timing belt.
Replace the EGR valve.
Trouble code P1362 means: TDC Sensor No Signal
Assuming you mean traction light, have the codes pulled. The codes will lead you to the cause.
These are check engine codes for a 2005 Scion XB. P0441, P0442, P0446. How do I fix these codes.