Buy a big mini. and use baby elephants.
Two in the back and two in the front
You cannot fit any elephants in a mini car. Elephants are much too large to fit inside a typical car like a mini.
Four. Two in the front and two in the back.
A lot of elephants! You could probably fit all the elephants in the world and still have more room-alot of room-left in the TARDIS.
estimating i say 150 elephants can fit in a football field
I can fit about 12 in my house
No, it will not fit.
you can fit about 17 mini eggs in your mouth, or at least i can
34 people and 49 elephants...will if your taking elephants
You can fit in 3 exactly.
It is scientifically proven that you can fit 970,000 oreo biscuits into a mini cooper.
none obviosly