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People and animals exhale CO2 , so a detector will alert to their breath.

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Q: How do you find stowaways in trucks with a CO2 detector?
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Related questions

What type of batteries does a aktivia CO2 detector use?

An Aktivia CO2 detector will need a nine volt battery. Batteries such as these can be purchased at a variety of stores including Amazon, Walmart and eBay alongside many more.

What are smoke and CO2 detector code requirements?

The codes are local and may be different in each jurisdiction. Check with the local fire inspector. At any rate I recommend both, especially if you have a gas fired heating stove or fireplace for the CO2 detector. I have combined detectors everywhere. The other question is if local code requires a hard wired detector with battery backup.

What might you see above a heater producing carbon monoxide?

A vent fan and hopefully a CO2 detector.

Durable Crowcon Gas Detector?

Something to consider when building or improving upon a home should be the installation of a gas detector. Crowcon offers a wide variety of fixed gas detection products. Detection of flammable or toxic gases can be an easy find with the Xgard Crowcon fixed gas detector. CO2 and infrared gas detectors are also available through Crowcown. Each detector is designed to withstand the test of time and is extremely durable and adapts to every environment. When seeking to upgrade or maintain your home, finding the Crowcon gas detector right for you is a must.

Do diesel trucks burn cleaner then regular gas trucks?

In general, diesel is somewhat more environmentally friendly because it emits less CO2 per mile travelled.

What are the benefits of installing a smoke detector CO2 combo in your home for enhanced safety and protection?

Installing a smoke detector CO2 combo in your home provides enhanced safety and protection by detecting both smoke and carbon monoxide, alerting you to potential dangers early on. This can help prevent fires and carbon monoxide poisoning, keeping you and your family safe.

How do you tell if you have a CO2 leak?

Symptoms of a CO2 leak include headache, dizziness, nausea, confusion, and shortness of breath. You may also notice an increase in presence of soot around your gas appliance or unfamiliar burning smells. Install a CO2 detector for early detection.

Do trucks give out more CO2 than cars with the same engine?

Yes - as the body is heavier and they burn more fuel.

How much CO2 do semi-trucks emit?

Hardly any at all ... hard to believe from what we perceive as exhaust emitting from their tall pipes, but some semi trucks emit less emissions than some older passenger cars.

What is smoke density?

measures how many (usually) parts per million (ppm) of whatever smoke/gas/etc is being looked for. For instance a smoke detector looks for X ppm of smoke in air, or a CO2 sensor measures the ppm of CO2 in air - ppm is a measure of density.

Why are CO2 detectors being used by the UK border agency?

CO2 (carbon dioxide) is present in the breath exhaled by the body. Sensitive CO2 detectors sample the air from inside trucks as they arrive from Europe. They can detect illegal immigrants hiding in the truck as the level of CO2 would be higher than it would be if people hadn't been in there breathing out CO2 for ages while the truck crossed The Channel.also they of couldn't of breathed with air for the the journey

What is smoke density analyser?

measures how many (usually) parts per million (ppm) of whatever smoke/gas/etc is being looked for. For instance a smoke detector looks for X ppm of smoke in air, or a CO2 sensor measures the ppm of CO2 in air - ppm is a measure of density.