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You can find a person's driver's license number by simple looking at the top of their driver's license card.

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Q: How do you find a person's Driver's license number?
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If you have a persons Social security number and drivers license number can you find his drivers license number?

If you have someone's Driver's License number you no longer need to find his driver's license number. Try restating the question.

How do you find out what my license number is?

ON AMERICAN drivers license- the number under the top DMV line that is above/next to your picture and starts with your firdt letter of your last name,( its really long) that is your license number

How do you find out your drivers license number if you lost your license?

You go to the DMV and get a new license. Usually you need your birth certificate and some other form of ID.

How do you find out your drivers license number if you lost your drivers license?

The DMV or your local department that issues licenses should have you on file. If you just bring them two forms of ID, such as your social security card and passport, they should be able to look you up and find your driver's license.

How do you find out what your driver's license number is made of?

The numbers of your drivers license vary by state. Some states generate a random number, while other states base the number on data such as the drivers date of birth. Check your states DMV website for more details.

Can you find your security code on a divers license?

I don't have a divers license, but I do have a drivers license.

How do you find out your policy number?

If you've lost or can't find your policy number just call you insurer. they can usually look find your policy number with alternate identification like drivers license number, name etc.

How do you find people using a drivers license number?

Call the dmv and ask or go online, it's public information!

How can I find out if my drivers license is still valid?

Look on it, it should have an expiration date. If not, then you can call the Drivers license Bureau in your county where it was issued and ask them.

How do you find out if your drivers license is suspended?

Call your local DMV.

how do I find my ny driver license number?

how do I find my ny driver license number?

How do you find out if your drivers license is revoked?

Call the local cop shop, give them either your name or license number and they will tell you the standing of your license in their system. Or check with the Department of Motor Vehicles (USA) or Provincial registries office (Canada).