To test for a bad ground I use a jumper lead with alligator clamps at each end and ground the device that way.
To find the actual problem you need to find the point where the wire actually is attached to ground and check the circuit there.
If the problem is not at the ground point It may be better just to run a new wire than fight with it.
Using a voltmeter, attach the leads between the negative battery post and the negative connection of accessory in question, then attempt to operate accessory. If the meter reads more than .5 volts, the ground is bad.
If ground turkey is gray or light blue in color, it is bad ground turkey. Do not eat it and immediately dispose of it.
a bad ground wire can ruin an alternator by not completing the circuit
AnswerIt could be a bad ground or bad antana.
the bulb is brand new i cndt find the switc to test it either Bad bulb Bad switch Bad receptacle Bad or loose ground
Could be a bad bulb- they are double filamented and filaments may be touching each other in one bulb - remove one at a time to check Could be a bad ground and circuit is backfeeding to find ground
could be a bad ground or a short to ground possibly bad switch or the light bulb
No. it just means that a crow has been in the area recently.
You probably have a bad ground wire on your back lights. Check for any corrision or bad sockets. Check for any bad wires also. If you can't find anything wrong in these places you can run another ground from your light socket to the screw that holds your lens in or some other good ground. Good luck.
bad ozone is ground ozone. It is a pollutant.
Ozone is bad at the ground level. IT is a pollutant.
Bad ozone is the ground ozone. It is a pollutant.
No but it depends what type of material the ground's made out of