

Best Answer

Policies are now carried by Occidental Life Ins. Co. of N.C. in Waco, TX, (1-800-736-7311), or by Liberty National in Birmingham, Ala., (1-800-333-0637). Good luck.

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Q: How do you find Peninsular life insurance co Jacksonville fl?
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How do you find the company that now has your life insurance policy issued decades by Peninsular Life Insurance Company of Jacksonville VL?

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Who took over peninsular life insurance company?

Globe Life insurance own some Peninsular Life Insurance company @ 1-800-654-5433

Is peninsular life insurance company apart of liberty national life insurance company?

yes peninsular became part of liberty national of alabama in june of 1985

How do you find old insurance company named peninsular life insurance located in Jacksonville fl in 1966?

You can check with the Florida Department of Financial Services or the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation for historical records of insurance companies. You may also want to search through archived directories, local libraries, or historical society records for information on Peninsular Life Insurance in Jacksonville, FL in 1966. Additionally, reaching out to long-standing insurance agencies in the area may lead you to individuals who have knowledge of Peninsular Life Insurance.

Is there still a Peninsular Life Insurance Company in Jacksonville Florida?

No! Co. has sold policies to Occidental Life Ins. Co. of N.C. in Waco, TX, (1-800-736-7311), and to Liberty National in Birmingham, ALA, (1-800-333-0637). Good luck.

What company bought modern security life insurance company?

Reassure America Life Insurance Company, Jacksonville, IL

What happened to Independent Life Insurance Co based out of Jacksonville FL?

It was purchased by American General in 1996

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How do you find out if you have a life insurance policy?

One way to find a lost or missing life insurance policy is with the help of The Center for Life Insurance Disputes. They can help you locate policies that have been lost or forgotten about.

Where can one find life insurance in the UK?

One can find life insurance in the United Kingdom by contacting life insurance companies and agencies. Some of the most famous life insurance companies are YBS and Aviva.

Where can one find information on life insurance for children?

The best way to find information on life insurance for children would be to speak to a life insurance specialist. They can discuss whether or not insurance on a child is necessary.