The department of insurance for your state.
No. Only the State can bring a criminal charge against someone. It is doubtful that the Insurance Company would even have standing to file a complaint in such a matter.
COUNTRY Financial is a family owned auto insurance company in Illinois.
ODS Insurance is health insurance company that is based out of Portland, Oregon. The company currently has a high complaint rating as of 2011. The company also carries dental insurance.
Your state should have a division or department of insurance. You can find them in the blue pages of the phone book, or do a google search via the web for your state. If the complaint is against your own carrier, the division of insurance can probably help you. If you're making a complaint against another person's insurance carrier, don't hold your breath for results. The division of insurance in your state probably can't influence liability decisions, nor can they force a carrier to change, say, total loss settlements. go on the web to doi. this is the department of insurance. they are very helpful & you can file a complaint on-line w/them. they are for the consumer. they are not biased toward the insurance companies. i have gotten great results w/them.
If you are looking for a free Illinois health insurance quote you can go to This is a simple form that will provide a list of Illinois providers.
Statefarm insurance based in Bloomington Illinois is the highest rated at the time.
One could lodge a complaint against a phone company in Canada by calling their customer service department and filing a complaint through them. Depending on the grievance, there is a good chance they will listen and attempt to correct it.
Contact the company and ask for such proof
One can find car insurance in Illinois from several auto insurance companies. For example, Safe Auto Insurance Company and from a company called The General Insurance.
There are laws that protect you from unpaid wages. Contact your local Labor Board with the complaint. You will have to fill out a formal complaint against the company that owes the wages to you.