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U can count the miles u do compared to a particular amount of gas u use. U should try this with rev gas- and then with super,. Mid can be the same as reg at some places.

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Q: How do you figure out the efficiency of a vehicle?
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How many gallons of gas will 700 miles use?

Depends on the fuel efficiency of your vehicle.Depends on the fuel efficiency of your vehicle.

How many liters is needed to drive 4.4km?

The amount of liters needed to drive 4.4 km depends on the vehicle's fuel efficiency, which is usually measured in liters per 100 km. If you know the fuel efficiency of your vehicle, you can calculate the liters needed by dividing the distance by 100 and then multiplying by the fuel efficiency.

How many liters petrol to a kilometer?

Depends on the fuel efficiency of your vehicle.

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Automobiles have an average fuel efficiency of around 23 miles per gallon. The specific efficiency will vary depending on the size and type of vehicle.

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By how much smoke you have blowing out your tail pipes.

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Depends on the fuel efficiency of your vehicle.

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Braking effort as a percentage of the weight of the vehicle.

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Techron gas is a type of fuel additive that helps clean and protect your vehicle's engine. It can improve performance by removing deposits and preventing buildup in the fuel system, leading to better fuel efficiency and smoother operation of your vehicle.

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Depends on the fuel efficiency of your vehicle.

How long will it take to stop a vehicle?

There are many factors involved and therefore no single answer. Some factors are reaction time, vehicle speed, vehicle weight, braking type, braking efficiency and vehicle type.

How do you calculate 1050 miles in gas price for a trip?

You need to know the fuel efficiency of the vehicle when you are driving (driving styles do make a difference).Use the fuel efficiency to calculate the amount of gas you will need and then use the gas price to calculate the cost of fuel.You need to know the fuel efficiency of the vehicle when you are driving (driving styles do make a difference).Use the fuel efficiency to calculate the amount of gas you will need and then use the gas price to calculate the cost of fuel.You need to know the fuel efficiency of the vehicle when you are driving (driving styles do make a difference).Use the fuel efficiency to calculate the amount of gas you will need and then use the gas price to calculate the cost of fuel.You need to know the fuel efficiency of the vehicle when you are driving (driving styles do make a difference).Use the fuel efficiency to calculate the amount of gas you will need and then use the gas price to calculate the cost of fuel.

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