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Somewhere in your Association agreement or unit owners agreement there should be a section that states how much of your condo you are responsible for covering. They usually have language like "studs in" or "walls in" meaning everything from the studs or walls and in is your responsibility. Floor covering, cabinets and fixtures are things you would normally have to cover yourself. Most condo policies include a small amount of building coverage and then you can add to that for an additional premium. Somewhere in your Association agreement or unit owners agreement there should be a section that states how much of your condo you are responsible for covering. They usually have language like "studs in" or "walls in" meaning everything from the studs or walls and in is your responsibility. Floor covering, cabinets and fixtures are things you would normally have to cover yourself. Most condo policies include a small amount of building coverage and then you can add to that for an additional premium. Somewhere in your Association agreement or unit owners agreement there should be a section that states how much of your condo you are responsible for covering. They usually have language like "studs in" or "walls in" meaning everything from the studs or walls and in is your responsibility. Floor covering, cabinets and fixtures are things you would normally have to cover yourself. Most condo policies include a small amount of building coverage and then you can add to that for an additional premium. Somewhere in your Association agreement or unit owners agreement there should be a section that states how much of your condo you are responsible for covering. They usually have language like "studs in" or "walls in" meaning everything from the studs or walls and in is your responsibility. Floor covering, cabinets and fixtures are things you would normally have to cover yourself. Most condo policies include a small amount of building coverage and then you can add to that for an additional premium. Somewhere in your Association agreement or unit owners agreement there should be a section that states how much of your condo you are responsible for covering. They usually have language like "studs in" or "walls in" meaning everything from the studs or walls and in is your responsibility. Floor covering, cabinets and fixtures are things you would normally have to cover yourself. Most condo policies include a small amount of building coverage and then you can add to that for an additional premium. Somewhere in your Association agreement or unit owners agreement there should be a section that states how much of your condo you are responsible for covering. They usually have language like "studs in" or "walls in" meaning everything from the studs or walls and in is your responsibility. Floor covering, cabinets and fixtures are things you would normally have to cover yourself. Most condo policies include a small amount of building coverage and then you can add to that for an additional premium.

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Q: How do you figure out how much building property coverage you need on a condo insurance policy?
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If you live in a building made up of condominium units, there must be some legal governing body by way of which all owners share in the ownership of the common areas and limited common areas. Whatever this governing body might be, your governing documents should provide for a master insurance policy. Your insurance broker can help you figure out what coverage is on the building, and so what coverage you are required or advised to buy.

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Can a driver with points get pip insurance in Ohio?

Ok, Personal Injury Protection, (PIP), is the name of the coverage which pays for your injuries after a car accident, it is something we sign up for when we start our car insurance policies. In order to figure out if you have Personal Injury Protection, start with a call to your insurance company. They can tell you in this first call if you have medical coverage for your injuries.

Include Adequate Property Damage To A Liability Car Insurance Policy?

Drivers who cause an accident are not only responsible for the costs associated with personal injury but also those costs to repair or replace damaged property. Liability insurance is constructed in such a way that both costs are included in the policy. Although most states require liability car insurance many drivers find the amounts included in their policy is insufficient to cover all the costs resulting from a single accident.Choosing A Coverage MaximumEvery liability insurance policy contains a section regarding coverage for damaged property. This amount should be carefully considered by the insurance shopper as it can be modified if the customer desires. The property damage suffered by a non-fault party can be significant. The value of the vehicle struck may mean a significant amount of money is required to restore the car to top condition. Property damage refers not only to cars but also other possessions. If a driver loses control of his or her vehicle and rams a homeowner's fence, damage to this property is covered by the at-fault driver's liability policy.In consideration of the large monetary costs associated with property damage, drivers are encouraged to look closely at the minimum requirements in their state and think about the possibility that this amount may not be sufficient to cover the costs of these damages. Most insurance providers will not charge much more per month if the maximum property damage protection is doubled. Consequences Of Protection ShortageIf a driver causes an accident resulting in a significant amount of property damage, the non-fault party will have to settle for any amount offered by the at-fault driver's insurance company. The problem occurs when there is not enough protection carried by the at-fault driver. Many vehicle owners carry uninsured motorist protection but this coverage usually applies only when the at-fault party is carrying no liability coverage at all. Most insurance companies do not construct their uninsured motorist protection packages to act as gap insurance. This leaves the non-fault party with no recourse but to pay the balance out-of-pocket. In some cases a lawsuit may be the only way to recover the additional costs and this can be a frustrating procedure for both parties.When shopping online for affordable car insurance it is wise to check out the rates for property damage liability protection. This figure can be increased with or without additional coverage for bodily injury protection.

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It depends on too many factors for us to narrow it down much, but as a ballpark figure, a lot. Your insurance provider will be able to answer this question for you based on your specific vehicle and the type of coverage you want.

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Impossible to give a set figure. It depends on a number of factors - such as - age of property, location, whether the property is used as a business, age of occupants, crime rate of the area... etc

what is the best way to figure what general property taxes will be on a home? has a property tax calculator that you can use to figure out exactly what your property taxes will be.

What is meant by the phrase Autoverzekering Berekenen?

The phrase "autoverzekering bereking" is Dutch for "car insurance calculator". A car insurance calculator helps the car owner figure out the costs and coverage needs of their car. It can also help the car owner find the best prices that fits their needs.

Drive Legally In Ohio With Proper Liability Coverage?

Carrying a liability insurance policy that meets the Ohio state minimum requirement is a must. Choosing an insurance provider that offers complete protection at an affordable price may take some comparison shopping. When other coverage such as collision protection and uninsured motorist protection are added to the policy, the cost of each coverage type is slightly reduced.Meeting The State Minimum RequirementDrivers in Ohio must carry liability insurance that meets or exceeds the state minimum of 12.5/25/7.5, with the figures representing thousands of dollars. The first figure indicates how much coverage is needed to cover the costs of medical treatments for injured non-fault individuals. The second number is the amount of coverage required to cover all non-fault injuries in a single accident. The third figure represents the amount of coverage needed to cover vehicle and property damage sustained by innocent parties in a single accident. Most insurance experts agree that the Ohio minimum requirements do not adequately cover the insured in the event of a serious auto accident. Taking out a policy that doubles these amounts will not cost twice as much, however. Uninsured motorist protection and PIP are not mandatory in Ohio, but insurance shoppers are advised to see how adding these coverage types affects the final monthly cost to insure the vehicle.Failure To Carry Proper InsuranceIf a motorist is stopped by a law enforcement official and is deemed to be in violation of the state requirement for liability coverage, he or she will face a stiff monetary penalty. The fine may be reduced if the driver has no other moving violations on record and agrees to complete a defensive driving course. If the driver has multiple infractions on record, his or her license may be temporarily suspended until proof of insurance coverage is shown. Those with poor driving records may be declined for liability insurance coverage by a number of providers. In this event the state government has a program that guarantees coverage through one of several insurance partners. The resulting premiums may be very high, but at least the individual has the opportunity to comply with the law.Shopping online for insurance offers individuals the chance to compare rates from several leading insurance companies. The final quotes given will come only after certain information on the individual and the vehicle to be insured has been gathered and analyzed.