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Opinion #1I am okay with them. As I write this, there is yet to be found any verifiable negative consequences from their use. They may not be a perfect solution, but I believe agriculture is a dynamic process -- one which is always being improved. GM crops are just one more step on the road to a world which is well-fed by sustainable and ecologically sound production methods.
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Q: How do you feel about gm crops?
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One reason farmers often choose GM crops over non-GM crops because GM crops are?

More productive

Why do farmers choose gm crops over non-gm crops?

Because of the opportunity GM crops provide for greater profit with less risk. Also GM crops give much bigger yields (bushels/acre) and thus more profit over crops that are not GMO.

Why are gm crops controversial?

Because some people do not agree with GM crops and it can cause controversal

How are gm crops bad for you?

They are not.

What are the disadvantages of GM crops?

Gm crops are the genetically modified crops of food so they dont rot before there sell by date. they are enjected with a gene from another plant.

Is it ethical to make gm crops?

Of course it is!

Is genetically modified food in Israel?

the main export market for Israel is Europe which does not approve of GM crops so the answer is: no, there are no commercially grown GM crops in Israel. however Israel it self is not against GM.

What crops constitute the greatest proportion of GM crops grown in the world?

Corn and Soybeans

How are GM food crops produced?

GM crops are produced much like other crops, except that many that are grown have been genetically engineered to be resistant to herbicides or to produce an insecticide in the plant itself.

What are the dangers to the environment of GM crops?

While there are anecdotal reports of toxicity to Monarch butterfly larva, there is no scientific evidence of any danger to the environment from GM crops.

What are the protein benefits of gm crops?

gshd daysdt

Why would GM crops need less pesticides?

GM crops having disease resistant genes hence they are resistant to disease and pests so they not need more use of pesticide.