You will have to remove the tank and then remove the fuel sending unit and then empty the tank. NO OTHER WAY.
you can't they have an anti theft device in them to prevent it. you with have to drop the tank
No, there is no drain plug for the fuel tank.
there are no drain plugs on gas tanks, you will have to siphon the gas out or take the tank down to get the gas out.
It don't have 1.
Sorry, But there is no drain plug in any gas tanks. Ford Chevy dodge no 1 used a drain plug.
You must pump the fuel out with a hand pump.
The fuel pump in my 1992 S10 pick up is inside the gas tank. You will have to drain and then drop the gas tank to get to the fuel pump. You can also ask any auto parts store. They can tell you where the fuel pump is located.
how do u drain your gas tank of a 08 ford f350
22 gallons
18 Gallons
It is inside the gas tank, NO KIDDING