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Apply the parking brake.

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Q: How do you do a burnout in a front wheel drive car?
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Are minis the car rear wheel drive or front wheel drive?

They are front wheel drive.

Is a Nissan Versa a front wheel drive car?

Yes , it's front wheel drive

Is the Jeep Compass a front wheel drive car?

The Jeep Compass is available in front wheel drive or all wheel drive.

What do you call the front frame of a car?

Depends on the car front wheel drive it a cradle rear wheel drive it a sub frame.

Is an Acura Integra a rear wheel drive car?

front wheel drive

Is a 97 Honda Civic front wheel drive or rear wheel drive?

It would be a front wheel drive car... the only 'car' from Honda that i know of that's rear wheel drive would be the s2000 and the NSX... a shame

Is the BMW 318is a front wheel or rear wheel drive car?

rear, as far as i know BMW has never made a front wheel drive car but they do also make all wheel drive cars

Did drifting originate with a front wheel drive car?

No, they are rear wheel drive. You cannot drift a FWD car.

Is a kia 2006 sport again front wheel drive or rear wheel drive?

The Sportage is a front engine, front wheel drive car, with a four wheel drive option (but that still uses the front wheel drive transaxle, and runs the transfer case off of that).

Is a 1995 Monte Carlo z34 rear wheel drive?

No, this is a front wheel drive car... All Monte Carlos from 1995 on are front wheel drive.

Is a 1992 Lincoln town car front wheel or rear wheel drive?

It is rear wheel drive.

Which is a better car - the one with the engine in front or rear?

A car with the engine in the rear should have rear/all wheel drive. A car with the engine in the front should have front/all wheel drive.