This new function allows to batch purge the excess objects such as blocks, layers, line type, dimension style or text style on several DWG files. Batpurge tool doesn't need to open files. It executes the command of purge directly, which makes it run with very high efficiency. You can access from:
Menu: Express>Drawing Tools>Batch Purge
Command Entry:Batpurge
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ReducethequantityofapplicationprogramsrunningtogetherwithWindows,andthequantityofopeningdrawingsin GstarCAD .Use"Purge"toeraseuselessdrawingdatuminDWGdrawing.Reducesnapitemsornotsnapifnotnecessary.
Reduce the quantity of application programs running together with Windows, and the quantity of opening drawings in GstarCAD. Use "Purge" to erase useless drawing datum in DWG drawing. Reduce snap items or not snap if not necessary.
.dwg is the default drawing format of GstarCAD; at present, GstarCAD is compatible with ever version of .dwg and .dxf files from 2.5 to 2010, it is means GstarCAD is compatible from AutoCAD 2.5 to AutoCAD 2012. If you are using AutoCAD 2013, you have to exchange the file with GstarCAD and save it as earlier .dwg version before 2010. By the way, GstarCAD will be compatible with AutoCAD 2013 soon.
Line width can be displayed by pressing the button "LWT" in Status Bar of GstarCAD.
Open the control panel of Windows in GstarCAD, select "Regional and language options" then select your required language.
The font file that displays the character doesn't exist in GstarCAD. You can change it into other font file or copy this font file to font library.
U se “ tbconfig ” commandtoselectthetoolbarswhichyouneedinthedialogbox.
Use hopen command or use GstarCAD backup file manager to open, the dwh file will be saved as dwg file after you open it. See related link.
On GstarCAD interface, select "Tools/Customize/Edit Program Parameter" in pop-menu, Open dialog box and you can select command in the list, then input an alias to add alias.
GstarCAD Standard includes the function of 2D plane drawing. GstarCAD Professional adds 3D and dynamical block functions on the base of Standard version; Academic version includes all the functions, but there are watermarks on printings and the size of drawings are limited.
ARX programs which are based on AutoCAD platform cannot run on GstarCAD directly, GRX is for GstarCAD, GRX has high compatibility with ARX, usually, and it can be used on GstarCAD platform after just a little modification.
Trial Version has the same function as Authorized Version. The only difference is the trial using term. You have 30 days' full functional evaluation on our CAD software. After that, can not save the file.