Wired incorrectlyor defective starter solenoid that stuck in closed position
Maybe try changing your battery cables at starter and engine block ground connection.
If you know the battery and connections at the battery are good then it is more than likely a defective starter.
If your '99 Maxima will not start even after you have changed the starter, you might have a dead battery or a bad starter solenoid. You could also have an empty gas tank.
Your starter solenoid is sticking. Replace the starter solenoid and you should be good to go.
You wired it up wrong, or the new starter was defective.
What happens the starter is so close to the exhaust that the inside of the starter expands causing the starter to lock up, recommend try and get a starter heat shield from like an aftermarket shop like auto zone or pepboys or summit racing .com or jeggs .com
If the starter is "clicking" then check the battery to make sure that is has enough juice to turn the starter. If the battery is good. It could be your starter solenoid is bad. Most of these are built into the starter nowadays. You will have to have the starter changed. I am betting on the battery especially if it is older. Another culprit could be your alternator failing to charge your battery.
So, what you're saying is that your car isn't charging the battery since you changed the starter... is that right. If so, my guess is that you accidently left off or possibly even burned out the fusible link between the battery cable and the alternator. If this is the case, that's why it won't charge. So, make sure yoiu've still got a connection between the wire between your battery cable at the starter and the alternator. So, what you're saying is that your car isn't charging the battery since you changed the starter... is that right. If so, my guess is that you accidently left off or possibly even burned out the fusible link between the battery cable and the alternator. If this is the case, that's why it won't charge. So, make sure yoiu've still got a connection between the wire between your battery cable at the starter and the alternator.
Check the battery and see if it is charged or needs to be changed. Check the battery cables Check the starter condition
Seized engine? Loose or cooroded battery terminal Bad starter solenoid? Bad neutral or clutch safety switch?
it could be your starter selinoide which should be in the engine compartment near the battery and the big waire from your battery goes to it!