The factory alarm can not be disabled, only repaired if malfunctioning.
i need to disable jeep factory alarm 1997 cherokee
You will have to uninstall the alarm and rewire the vehicle. It is likely the ignition wires are run through the alarm.
on my 1993 jeep GCL i removed fuse 6 and 7 from the fuse box to disable my alarm i hope this helps
You can not. The "alarm" is an integral part of at least three computers on the Jeep. The pcm (engine), bcm (body functions), and the skim (chip key system).
the aftermarket alarm kit
The alarm system on your Jeep Grand Cherokee is controlled by a small, approximately 3 inch square box that plugs into wiring under your dash on probably the drives side towards the middle. It is black in color and is printed with the words "alarm module. If you unplug that the alarm system will be permanently disabled and starting issues may be resolved as well.
pull the 15 amp fuse in the fuse box.
The factory alarm is reset by unlocking the doors with a key or remote.
Put the key in the door and then lock and unlock it.
Check the manual. It should be listed after closed circuit video monitoring systems and just before the part about slim-jims and slide hammers.
== == We found it located in behind the right side of dash board, in behind the glove box. For our 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo