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If the home is in a designated "Flood Zone", even though it may not have flooded recently, there will still be the potential that it might flood in the future.

The flood rating assigned will indicate the potential severity of a future flood.

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Q: How do you determine that a home is flood risk when it has never flooded Z A2 with high rate INS?
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The first rule of flood safety is to evacuate to higher ground if you are in a flood-prone area. Never attempt to drive or walk through flooded areas, as it can be extremely dangerous and potentially life-threatening.

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I gather you mean 'House Flood Plan' rather than plain. This can mean a few things but both relate to the safety of the occupants in a house in the event of a flood occurring. In some jurisdictions a flood plan is needed to be given to the building authority to show the new home has flood mitigation drains or swales, is built high enough not to be flooded, or has a flood evacuation plan. It can also mean a council authority plan that shows where flooding has occurred in a district and where you could safely build a home.

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