as far as I know you put different seats on your valves, from soft to hard I think.
leaded fuel is economic compared to unleaded because more distance is covered with leaded than unleaded
I don't think there is a way to visually tell the difference between leaded and unleaded fuel. However, leaded gasoline has become "extinct" and it is more likely that you have unleaded gasoline in the can.
unleaded fuel
Unleaded Premium
Yes, it is unleaded. No gasoline sold for consumer vehicles in leaded.
It takes unleaded I think
try a mixture of half leaded and half turpentine substitute i used to use leaded, but then decided to give unleaded a shot, works better for me, and had the engine checked.. No damage
Yes, it is unleaded. No gasoline sold for consumer vehicles in leaded.
I don't believe there is a such thing as a leaded fuel engine. All gasoline is unleaded, some just a higher grade.