Seven years or 70,000 miles. Change Tiing belt, tensioner and water pump at the same time.
No, but if you start a water-cooled engine with a broken water pump, your engine will soon fail from extreme overheating.
not more than 150 $
The 1988 VW Beetle, not sold in the U.S., has an Air Cooled engine. It has no water pump.
the water pump is part of the timing belt or chain. you have to take the belt or chain off to change the water pump. if you change the water pump, change the belt too.
if it has the 2.0L it is ran off the timing belt
How to change a water pump on a 94 hyundai scoupe?
How to change a water pump on a 1997 Pontiac Transport
how to change water pump on 2007 ford fusion
I dont know how to change the water pump??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
How do you change the water pump in a 2002 ford Taurus
how do you change a water pump on 1993 Mercury Cougar