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You can change the region of the car by going into profile, vechicles and double cliking on the panel at the bottom of the screen.

Trackmania Nations does not allow you to download "skins" or other cars, such as a Mercedes or a ferrari, you must purchase Trackmania United Forever to do so.

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Trackmania united is better. Trackmania united is an amalgam of all previous trackmania games. It contains the races, puzzles, terrains and cars from trackmania original, powerup, sunrise and nations.

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How do you open TrackMania for Mac?

It's a Windows PC game so you cannot open it in a Mac usually - But there is a ported version of TrackMania Nations Forever. It works very well on my Macbook Pro. You can find a link and video description in the 'Link to TrackMania Nations Forever for Mac' below.

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Do you have to pay to download Trackmania United Forever?

This is not an answer, this is a note!Do not give me any links for Trackmania United Forever, Trackmania Nations Forever, Trackmania Nations ESCW or

Where can you play Trackmania Nations Forever without downloading?

Nowhere...sorry its download only