Here's a safe way to do it:
~First mark position of drive shaft mounting to yoke.
~Second, remove shaft.
~Third, take a sharp pointed punch and hammer and put a mark on pinion nut and end of shaft inline with each other.
~Fourth, remove nut "Important" count the amount of turns you make because that is your bearing pre-load.
~Fifth, Replace seal and clean yoke. Make sure you don't have a worn ridge where seal rides.
~Sixth, Put a light coat of rtv on inside spline and a light coat of grease where seal rides.
~Seventh, Replace yoke and replace nut turning the "EXACT" amount of turns to remove. Align marks being very careful you don't go past. Refill and replace shaft.
It's VERY IMPORTANT to line up marks with EXACT amount of turns to keep bearing preload correct. And you don't want to go past your mark then back off because there's a crush collar in most rears, if you over tighten it, it'll crush more and wont give proper preload.
Preload is the amount the pinion bearings are squeezed together by the pinion nut.
10.5 in American Axle11.5 in AAM
how to change rear brakes on a 2006 ford fusion v6.
remove rear drive shaft from vehicle.remove large nut ( pinion nut) at front of diff, which is generally hidden when driveshaft is in place.with a bearing puller remove pinion bearing, replace with new one. install new pinion seal. reinstall pinion cover and pinion nut. tighten to specified torgue.reinstall driveshaft check diff oil for proper amount
There are adjusrers on the sides of the ring gear housing for side clearance and the pinion gear depth is achieved by removing pinion gear and adding or removing shims to correct depth. should be done by an experienced technisian.v After the pinion depth is set(with shims). The backlash is set with shims under the side bearings.
A worn out Universal joint in the rear driveshaft.
The carrier bearings or pinion bearings may be at fault.
What is the torque specs on a 2001 ford truck rear end pinion nut..
How do you change rear brake pads on a 2006 honda accord ex?
1. remove rear drive shaft.2.remove diff.cover.3.remove both axles.4.remove carrier case assy.5.remove drive shaft yoke.6.tap pinion gear out of housing with (brass hammer).7 remove pinion seal and front pinion bearing.8.rear pinion bearing well need pressed off & on the pinion need to use a punch drive the bearing race from housing both.
Dealer, Ebay, craigslist, local salvage yard.
how to change rear hub on 2006 chevy cobalt 2.2l