Remove Distributor,remove drive gear,remove shaft,remove pickup coil.
how to changr pick up coil 88 vandura
change the pickup coil in distr
u have to pull the whole distributer to change the pickup coil
check the pick up coil on the left side cover of the engine they have a stator and a little box that's the pickup coil check if its damage or the ignition coil
you must remove the distributor, disassemble unit and replace pick up coil
The Hall effect.
Distributor pickup coil resistance 140-180 ohms.
hey are located inside the distributor and function as the trigger for the ignition system to produce spark. The pickup coil monitors the rotation
You could have a bad ignitor. It is located on the drivers side fender well. There is also still a good possibility that your ignition coil is bad, despite the fact that the coil resistance is checking out within specs. I would change the coil first; it's cheaper than the ignitor or the distibutor. If still no start and you have verified that the coil is getting voltage then it is the pickup coil in the distributor. Unfortunately, the pickup coil is not replaceable on its own. You will have to change the whole distributor to get a new pickup coil. Good luck.
A type of pickup. Made by Gibson, they are a single-coil pickup.
The coil charges with electricity, and as the reluctor hits the high point, it releases all the energy at once.