Well first the actual gasket is located in the oil pan so you have to drop the oil pan buts its not that easy as you think usually theres others parts and wires proably on top so i suggets you have a mechanic do it.
dah stupid by removing the screw
The most likely culprit is a blown head gasket.
what are the signs for replacing the oil gasket in a 1996 Chevy cavalier
6 qt
Yes, it does.
The approximate cost to change an oil pan gasket, on your Ford Taurus, is $125. The oil pan gasket can be purchased for $10.
According to the 2003 Ford E150 owners manual : 5.7 liters ( 6 quarts - U.S. ) with oil filter change
To change the oil pan gasket u need to raise the engine about a foot in order to get to the oil pan .
A bad gasket would probably leak, and an oil change would be a good opportunity to spot that.
Do I have to pull the motor to change the oil pan gasket on my 1985 buick rivieria?
You can change the oil pan gasket in your 2000 Chevrolet S 10 pickup truck by removing the oil pan bolts. Once the bolts are removed the oil pan will come off. Remove the old oil pan gasket and replace it with a new gasket.
to change the gaket youl have to drain all the oil out and change your oil fluid filter and gasket the gasket is the seal between your pan and car take pan off drain clean and put new gasket on pan and put it back on.