on a snowmobile all you do is take out the spark plug, take the bolts off of the studs and take the head off
Blown headgasket.
No, it isn't. The Polaris Trail Boss 350 is a liquid cooled 2-stroke.
i have a polaris 350 1990 2 stroke. I just raced beside a truck down a road and got to about 50mph.
There is a large bolt on the bottom of the crankcase, underneath the brake.....that is your drain plug.
A 1993 ploaris 350 is a two stroke/
How do I replace the starter on my polaris 250 4x4 Model number is EC250PF00802151. How do I change the stater on a 99 polaris explorer 4x4
No, you don't mix oil into the gas of a Polaris Trail Boss 350 4-stroke. It is a 4-stroke engine, and you do notmix oil with the gas.
how do i change front brake pads on my 2002 polaris 500 sportsman
It requires a special puller to get it off.
you probably need to get a new head or have your head machined
not if your doing it your self. go to junkyard by the head and then by a headgasket kit. your prob looking at 350 to 400.
No, Polaris is always in the same spot in the sky.