Unplug the old one then plug in the new one. The AC relay location can be found in the drivers manual.
Ac relay is a relay which respond to ac signal only.when there is no supply given to this relays coil,it wont function.it will change its n/o contact to n/c contact if there is a supply given to its coil.this is the simple exlanation for ac relays.
give location of ac relay give location of ac relay
I just had to change mine last week. It's in the fuse panel, relay #08.
This is my personal experience. I was having the same problem. I read so many blogs all saying that you have to change your relay and the ac will start working. I did two things and now my ac is working fine. A) Clean/Replace your cabin air filter. B) Change the relay. (The relay costs you about 15 dollars at any auto parts)
where is the ac relay for acura lengend 95
where is the ac relay in a 06 trailblazer
Location ac compressor relay 940 volvo
the ac relay is in under hood fuse and relay box. on drivers side...
Turn on ac and watch clutch on front of ac compressor. If clutch doesn't engage then AC relay is bad. Or you can follow the schematic on the side of the relay and use a volt meter to test it.
hi, the ac relay on my 1996 Nissan pickup is on the left side edge in a thin plastic box clearly marked ac relay/horn relay/,ect . hope i helped you !
If the vehicle tries to start but sounds like it is not getting gas; try to change out the relay for the fuel pump (you can usually switch it with the AC relay). This is a quick check and is a lot less expensive than a fuel pump change out. If the vehicle tries to start but sounds like it is not getting gas; try to change out the relay for the fuel pump (you can usually switch it with the AC relay). This is a quick check and is a lot less expensive than a fuel pump change out.
hi, the ac relay on my 1996 Nissan pickup is on the left side edge in a thin plastic box clearly marked ac relay/horn relay/,ect . hope i helped you !