the gradability of a vehicle calculation is depend on rise and run of the vehcile.
it is calculated in percentage.
percentage of gradability = (rise/run)*100
Vehicle gradeability is measured in percentage.
The highest grade a vehicle can ascend while maintaining a particular speed is sometimes termed that vehicle's "gradeability"
Yeah,i sure CAN answer it....
Gradeability measurement unit is %
The ability of a car to climb a certain grade slope at a certain speed is it's gradeability. My Toyota Echo could take a 45% slope @30mph. (Its gradeability)
You could purchase a book of vehicle templates from impact or ingram and calculate it from the drawings
That mean the bus can move up 2.4m when moving 10m long
You need the weight of the vehicle to calculate the force
usually by the number of seats
To calculate a car's depreciation value one must determine the residual percentage of the vehicle then find the original MSRP on the vehicle. One must then multiply the residual percentage by the original MSRP, the outcome will be the depreciated value of the vehicle.
If you know how many miles, multiply by 1.609
To calculate the speed of the vehicle, you take the distance traveled divided by the time taken. In this case, 21.6 m ÷ 3 s = 7.2 m/s. Therefore, the speed of the vehicle is 7.2 meters per second.