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Q: How do you become a auto repo agent in Iowa?
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A repo agent in Georgia has the same rights to carry as any other civilian.

Can a police officer make a repo agent drop a car?

If the repo agent can demonstrate that he has lawful claim to take the car then the Police Officer cannot prevent him.

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Can they repo another vehicle for ransom my daughter was told this by the repo man?

No. The only vehicle that can be repossessed is the vehicle for which the agent has a valid order of repossession, OR in some cases, a vehicle the agent encounters (such as reported by a camera car) in the process of locating another repossession. Anything other would be wrongful repossession or possibly grand theft auto and extortion.

How far behind on a auto loan before they repo the auto?

3 payments

How do you become certified for auto repo in ny?

As a nyc repo man myself there really aren't any certificates for repo agents, If you use a tow truck then you need a cdl lic. If you are just an investigator no other license other than a NYS Drivers license is needed

Is a license needed to repo a car in Iowa?

Of course it does or else you cannot do anything to it

Can repo people repo your auto from privet property otherthen yours?

Yes they can, as long as it is the correct vehicle.

Can a repo man move other cars parked around it the repo car to get it?

No. A repo agent is only permitted to move and enter the vehicle which they have an order for repossession on.

Can a repo agent be charged with grand larceny?

Only if they do not have the correct paperwork from the finance company whom has the right to repo the vehicle.