align the crankshaft pulley mark with mark on oil pump housing, and align marks on cam gears with marks on rear cover, then install timing belt.
on an 84 Toyota the oil pump is located behind the harmonic balancer
How do you prime the oil pump on a 1986 Toyota truck with 20r/22r engine
In the oil pan
In the oil pan
when replacing the oil pump on a 98 ford winstar 3.0 liter engine do I have to pack the gears on the new oil pump
The oil pump is in the oil pan (aka the "sump").
Assuming you know how to remove everything to get to the oil pump. Insert o ring insert the splined round tube over the crank shaft install d ring gasket insert gears ( dont matter how you line them up) install oil pump to timing cover torque down
oil pamp chang toyota camry 2004
many engine builders like to use lubriplate 105 assembly grease pack clean grease into inlet of pump for start up or if pump is open pack clean grease into gears or lobe and rotor
Defective oil pump.Defective oil pump.
You have to take out the engine to get to it.