

Best Answer turn the 2 front idel screws till the idel drops then turn back 2/3 turns then adjust main idel screw to drop normal idel make sure its at normal running temp and all air filters are on this can drag idel thanks

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Q: How do you adjust the idle on an edelbrock 1406 carburetor?
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If it has a carburetor, then there should be a screw somewhere on the carburetor. If it's fuel injected, then I don't think you can adjust the idle without hacking into the computer.

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To set the idle, adjust the carburetor.

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With the engine running, turn the idle screw until you get the speed you want.

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The carburetor on a Weed Eater Featherlite SST25 is adjusted by turning the screws on the side of the carburetor. They control the idle mixture and idle speed of the engine.

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Find the carburetor and then adjust the idle screw however you like. You'll need a Philips screwdriver.

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there is a little screw on the back of the carb. if you loosen it, it will idle slower, tighten it, it will idle faster.

Idle Screw On A 5.7 V8 350?

If it is a fuel injected engine then you can not adjust the idle, it is computer controled. There is no idle adjustment. If it is a carburetor then there is a small screew over by the throttle cable, down towards the bottom of the carburetor.

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Start at 1 1/2 turns from seat and adjust for best idle at that point

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Start at 1 1/2 turns from seat and then adjust for best idle

How do you adjust a carburetor on a Chevy big block?

Actually, it should be don e with a vacuum gauge, to maximum vaccuum. Without one, adjust the idle mixture to max., idle.