Idle is computer controlled and can NOT be adjusted.
you cant adjust your idle, it is computer controlled
you can not as it is adjusted by the computor.
Idle is not adjustable. You have a electrical or vacuum issue that needs diagnosed.
You shouldn't have to, check for vacuum intake leaks
Idle speed is computer controlled and is not adjustable.
If you are not able to adjust it down with the idle adjust knob you may have an airleak at the carb.
Idle speed is not adjustable. The computer controls the speed with the idle air control motor on the back of the throttle body.
You adjust idle with idle timing
Adjust idle on Mitsubishi diamante
you cant without having a remap. its controlled electonically by the ecu via the Idle air control valve on the throttle body. generally only vehicles fitted with carburetor can adjust idle speed manually.
Round plastic knob right below air-cleaner.