

How do you GTS clone?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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12y ago

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You need to place a Pokemon in the deposite box and establish a trade with someone then you save and about 2 to 8 seconeds turn off the ds and restart it if you get a message saying the file is corupted and you need to return to the last save then its working. Go to the GTS and collect your cloned Pokemon

Does this work in Heart Gold and Soul Silver?

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DONT!You will get kicked of for life!!!

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put a Pokemon in the gts and when its being sent turn the game off and you should have the Pokemon in the party and the gts

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Sorry, but you can't. The only possible way is to use GTS. THIS IS A JOKE YOU CAN BUT YOU NEED A BIDOOF

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you can't do it without gts but when it says "save file corrupted it doesn't do anything; its not bad, it just means it worked

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There is a way to clone I have 3 dialgas and 2 lv100 gyaradoses, firstly you have to have wireless internet go to the GTS (global trade station) and deposite a Pokemon you want to clone. once you have deposited the Pokemon you want to clone when the little clock goes around 7-8.5 times your ds goes off . once you restart it it will say the save file is corupted the prevous file will be loaded don't worry that is normal just click a you should be out of the gts check your team see if the Pokemon is in your team, go back into the gts and your Pokemon should be in the deposite box. hope this helped :-)

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You can clone using gts. I'm not going to write how to, but there got to be another question on how to.

Whow you can clone Pokémon in Pokemon pearl?

first you go to gts then you put Pokemon on offer and when it says checking gts status close your ds and when u open it it will say your Pokemon has been cloned first u go to the gts then u put your Pokemon on offer and when it is saying checking gts status quickly u close your ds kiddiing it will not happen

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catch a ditto on route 218 with pokeradr then just clone theme or use the gts cloning cheat

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RB25det engine 2.5 liter Single turbo, the turbo is a T3 clone ball bearing

How do you clone without a Ditto or the gts?

You can't clone a Pokemon, unless you're talking about putting a female and male Pokemon (same) in the Pokemon day-care, then you can be sure that, the Pokemon egg will be the Pokemon you want to breed. But i guess u know that already so... Nop you can't clone it, get real.

Can you clone using the GTS in Pokemon Platinum?

Technically no you cant, but if you take the time to get a hacking engine on your computer with a usb cable hucked up to your ds you can take any Pokemon frome the GTS with out having the Pokemon they want !!!!!!!! (Except that's pretty evil.)