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The "youngest island" is currently experiencing almost continuous volcanism. The islands to the northwest are older, with no active volcanoes and have been reduced in size by erosion.

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Q: How do the Hawaiian islands demonstrate the concept of a hot spot?
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Are the hawaiian islands formed at a subduction boundary?

Not. The Hawaiian Islands are formed at a hot spot.

Is the formation of the Hawaiian Islands is one example of volcanoes forming over a hot spot?

Yes. The Hawaiian Islands were formed by hot spot volcanoes.

How did the hot spot create the Hawaiian islands?

There is a hot spot under the islands that keeps burning a hole in the same spot even thought the plate is moving. Hence the chain of islands.

Are the Hawaiian Islands located above a subduction zone?

No. The Hawaiian islands are over a hot spot and are nowhere near any plate boundaries.

How have volcanoes helped to create the Hawaiian islands?

Volcanoes shot out magma which cooled down to make the Hawaiian Islands.

What type of plate boundary created Hawaiian islands?

The Hawaiian Islands were created by a hot spot in the Earth's mantle. They were not created by interaction at a plate boundary.

What type of plate boundary created the Hawaiian islands?

The Hawaiian Islands were created by a hot spot in the Earth's mantle. They were not created by interaction at a plate boundary.

How were Hawaiin islands created?

The Hawaiian Islands were created when molten material moved over a hot spot.

The formation of the hawaiian islands is an example of what?

this is called primary succesion

Why are many of the Hawaiian islands volcanoes extinct?

Due to plate techtonics, most of the Hawaiian Islands have been moved away from the "hot spot" in the earth's crust that is slowly extruding new islands. The big Island of Hawaii is the current location of that hot spot.

How did the hot spot created the hawaiian island?

There is a hot spot under the islands that keeps burning a hole in the same spot even thought the plate is moving. Hence the chain of islands.

Did a flood create the Hawaiian Islands?

No, there is a hot spot on the ocean floor and over time, the lava coming out of the underwater volcanoes created land that is known as the Hawaiian Islands.