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Q: How do serving prisoners get car insurance. my friend is in an open prison and now has paid work?
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Related questions

How many prisons does California have?

The state of California has about 120,000 prison inmates. There are 9,000 of those prisoners who are serving life sentences.

Who makes decisions for prisoners serving less than 2 years in Saskatchewan?

decision making is up to the warden of the prison

What percentage of US prisoners are in prison for drug related offenses?

Approximately 15% of the total US prison population is serving time for drug-related offenses.

How many prisoners are in Alcatraz island?

there is no prison so there will be no prisoners

What do you call a group of prisoners?

A prison gang.

Where is the prisoners poem?

He has them in the prison that he is at.

What is a collective noun for prisoners?

The collective nouns for prisoners are a pityof prisoners, a gang of prisoners.

What is the gallows at a prison?

Where they hang the prisoners.


In prison

A place where prisoners are kept?


Are there guided tours of dartmoor prison?

no, it is a working prison, full of prisoners!

Can prisoners get their haircut in prison?

Of course. Other prisoners are assigned jobs as barbers.