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Newton's 2nd law is F=ma. That is Force is equal to mass times acceleration. The use of a seat belt prevents acceleration of the restrained person. This reduces the effects of the crash.

If we look at this in detail, a person is riding in a car that is travelling 25 miles an hour on a road. The person weighs 200 lbs. The things that are considered here are the speed of the car and it needs to be converted to FPS which is Feet Per Second. 25 MPH is 37 FPS. Since force equals mass times acceleration. IF that car hits a parked car then the person that is described in this scenario is going to move forward with a force of 7400 ft lbs. Depending on what the persons body hits inside the car, that amount of force can do tremendous damage and cause death. A seatbelt that is being worn stops the acceleration from taking place and distributes the force over the surface area of the straps where they are in contact with the body. That is why seatbelts must be worn correctly. There are other considerations in this scenario. The seatbelt has a little slack in it. There are things like pretension devices that take the slack out. Airbags now are installed to try and reduce forces. Cars are made to crush and reduce the forces. Another consideration is that the organs in the persons body are subjected to these forces. So the brain, liver, heart, gall bladder, spleen etc also accelerate and strike the inside of the body and become damaged.

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Q: How do seat belts relate to newtons second law of motion?
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How do test with crash dummies seat belts and air bags illustrate Newton's first law of motion?

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Simplifying Newton's first law.. an object continues to do whatever it happens to be doing unless a force is exerted upon it. A seat-belt - is the 'force' that changes the action of the person's body.

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Seat belt laws compel drivers and passengers to wear seat belts to minimize the risk of injury or death in the event of a car accident. These laws are in place to promote road safety and reduce the severity of injuries sustained during collisions.

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Seat belts in cars play a role in Newton's third law of motion because they provide a force that acts in the opposite direction to the force exerted on a person during a collision. When a car suddenly stops, the person's inertia wants to keep them moving forward, but the seat belt provides a force that reduces the impact by slowing them down gradually. This demonstrates Newton's third law that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

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How do planetary wind and pressure belts affect the climate?

Because high pressure belts have sinking motion and dry conditions. Low pressure belts have rising motions and havey rainfall. pce

What concept of physics are seat belts and airbags designed based on?

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The second law of motion (F=ma) explains that the force acting on an object is proportional to its mass and acceleration. In the context of a car accident, this law helps to understand the impact force experienced by the occupants of the car, which is influenced by the speed of the collision and the mass of the vehicles involved. It also emphasizes the importance of seat belts and airbags in reducing the effects of this force on passengers.

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How vehicle restraints are influenced by newtons 3 laws?

Vehicle restraints, such as seat belts, are designed to adhere to Newton's laws of motion. For example, in the event of a sudden stop or collision (Newton's 1st law), seatbelts prevent passengers from continuing to move forward. Additionally, seatbelts help distribute and reduce the force on the occupants during a crash (Newton's 2nd law), and by restraining the passengers, they decrease the risk of injury caused by sudden deceleration (Newton's 3rd law).