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First, get a six pack of your favorite 6 point beer...drink 3 of them then pull out some tools. Drink one more while thinking about the job. Decide to take it to a mechanic, put the tools away then go to the couch and drink the rest of the beer.

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Q: How do i Remove front brake rotor gmc 2000 K2500?
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How do you remove a front brake rotor on a 1995 CHEVY K3500?

Remove the tire and wheel from your 1995 Chevrolet K 3500. Remove the front brake assembly. Tap on the brake rotor with a hammer or mallet until it becomes loose. Slide the brake rotor off.

How do you remove a front brake rotor off a 1995 Chevy c1500?

Remove the tire and wheel from your 1995 Chevy. Remove the brake assembly. Tap on the brake rotor with a mallet or hammer. The brake rotor will slide off.

How do you remove the front brake rotor on a 1999 ford escort?

Remove the wheel and tire assembly and the brake caliper then the brake rotor will slide right off.

How you remove a front brake rotor on a 2004 Chevy Colorado?

The front brake rotor, on a 2004 Chevrolet Colorado, can be removed by first removing the wheel. Next, remove the brakes. The rotor will slide off

How do you remove a front brake rotor on a 1997 Chevy k2500?

The complete hub and rotor assembly have to be removed in order to drive out wheel studs to separate the rotor from the hub. So, remove wheel, remove caliper, remove caliper bracket, remove axle retaining nut, remove 4 bolts holding hub assembly to spindle, dissconnect ABS sensor harness, remove hub assembly, remove all wheel studs then separate rotor from hub.

How do you remove the front rotor on 1999 RX300?

Remove the brake caliper and hang it out of the way, then thread 2 8 mm bolts into the holes provided on the disk. Screw them in and the brake rotor will come off.

How do you change the front brake rotor 1991 eclipse?

Jack up the front of your 1991 Mitsubishi Eclipse. Remove the brake pad assembly. Loosen the brake rotor by tapping on it with a hammer or mallet. Slide the brake rotor off. Reverse the process to install the new brake rotor.

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Remove front rotors 2004 Honda accord?

Remove the tire and wheel. Remove the brake pads and break hardware. The brake rotor will slide off. You may need to tap the rotor with a hammer.

How do you remove the Acura Vigor front brake rotor?

How do I remove the front rotors so I can replace the CV joints? .... After removing the brake pads and caliper assembly, of course.

How do you remove front brake rotor on 2004 Toyota corolla?

There should be 2 screws on the front of the rotor, remove those and the rotor should come right also have to take off the caliper bracket.

How to change front rotors on a 1999 windstar?

You remove the wheels, remove the brake caliper and the rotor is then free .