Cops can find out if a license plate is stolen by running the tags.
Only a person with the right credentials can find out who a license plate belongs to, including Missouri 4F6933.
The numbers in the license plate differ from country or state in the way they are represented. for example in the UK, they represent the age identifiers and the local memory tags.
Car tag means your licence plates.Just slang for licence plates
You don't pay for the plate, but the registering of the car. The DMV sends the plate and tags when the car is registered with them. Then, each year you pay for new tags.
No. The state will not revoke your licence. However, if you're caught driving on expired tags, it's a very expensive fine, it will cause your vehicle to be impounded, and it will put points on your licence.
you have a month until you change the licence plates. or tags
Missouri does not have a grace period for expired license plate tags. A vehicle cannot be driven with expired license plates. There will be a $15 penalty the when the plate is renewed.
Depending on the state, I believe they can 'run' the tags without reason, to verify validity of the plate and /or tag.
Registration, insurace, address, copy of licence etc.
There are a number of places where one can get customized metal asset tags made. Online ID Plate, My Asset Tag and Seton all provide customizable tags for marking assets.
Only if the tags stay with the car in that state.