This is the link to some amps they make. You can go to the website and they so the manuals for the amps they make.
Buy a cheap Jensen amp the 250watt 1.
Audio out (line out) from the Home Theater to audio in (line in) on the Power Amp. If you use Preamp out on the Home Theater the Volume Control will control the volume of the Power Amp and Speakers.
A lightning strike can generate currents up to 30,000 amperes.
Preferably with a multimeter. For amps you hook it up in series, for volts you hook it up in parallell. For Ohms, you'll need to have the item you want to measure separated fron the circuit.
Preferably with a multimeter. For amps you hook it up in series, for volts you hook it up in parallell. For Ohms, you'll need to have the item you want to measure separated fron the circuit.
Only if your projector has two inputs,hook up the output video/audio of VCR into the input video/audio of the projector. Radio Shack sells switchers to do this very function.
You can hook up any cassette player to your PC by connecting the 2.5 mm audio out to your PC.
In inFamous 2, the Lightning Hook power code is "Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Circle." You can enter this code in the game to unlock the power.
If the voltage is right for the bulbs, you can hook up 600 amps divded by the amps taken by one bulb - that gives the number of bulbs. But 600 amp needs very thick wire.
You can usually hook up your TV to your computer via a S-Video cable, though you'll also need to hook up audio as well.
The familiar red and white RCA jacks are needed to hook your Direct TV receiver up to an audio source.In general you'll need a stereo receiver to hook it up to speakers.You do get superb audio from DTV so it's worth the trouble.