

How do anit lock brakes help reduce injury?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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āˆ™ 15y ago

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anti lock brakes doesnt help you resuce the risk of injuries

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Q: How do anit lock brakes help reduce injury?
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Does keeping your head up when lifting may be part of the process of making a safe lift, but doing that alone will not reduce the risk of injury. You need to hold you back and legs in appropriate positions to reduce risk of back injury during a lift.

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Raising the ankle will help reduce inflammation, since you're reducing the amount of blood going towards your feet.

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Padded dashboards are used to reduce injury this is because as your head hits a hard object and stops your brain in side keeps moving and impacts with the inside of your skull, anything that slows down this deceleration will help to save your brain and also your skull, even a little padding can mean the difference between life and death.

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Properly warming up and cooling down before and after exercise

What is the best way to treat a shiner at home?

Any injury sustained to the eye should looked at by a physician before treating at home. Cold compresses applied in 10 minute intervals may help to reduce swelling. Pain medication may also help to relieve discomfort caused by the injury.

Are head rests necessary?

headrests are neccasery wen some one craahes into the back of you. they support your neck and help to reduce whiplash on your neck which could cause serious injury

How long should it take for swelling to go down in hand with chipped bone?

one week Immobilizing your hand, this will help to reduce swelling and also prevent further injury. Keep Ice on injury for a half hour three to four times a day.

What laws or rules prevent or reduce injury in the event of a crash?

I have no idea Iā€™m looking for the answer too