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Car Wreck or a fall.

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Q: How did Diane lane get the scar by her right eye?
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Where did Abraham Lincoln get the scar over his right eye?

he got the scar by getting a beat down by big show.

Did Lisa lopes have a scar under her eye?

No. I don't know where you got the idea. They called her Left-Eye because some ex-boyfriend commented that her left eye was larger than her right. But no, she didn't have a scar under her eye.

Is Drew Brees scar a birthmark?

yes it says Brittney on his right shoulder---that is the arm he throws with

What eye does Luke have a scar under Lightning Thief?

Luke's eyes are blue, and his hair is a blondish color. He has a sword called Backbiter, a scorpion pet, and has a large scar on the right side of his face.

How do you get a scar on your eye on aqworlds?

poke a lion

What happened to Diane Sawyer's left eye?

Diane Sawyer's left eye is somewhat droopy due to age-related ptosis which is characterized by loss of muscle tone in the eyelid.

Why does gingersnap have a scar on his eye on moshi monsters?

fighting with waldo?

Do deep scratches near the eye scar?

All deep scratches leave a scar no matter where the scratch is located. If the scratch bleeds, it will turn into a scar, this is how the body heals.

What is wrong with Diane Sawyers eye?

Nothing. No need to be rude.

What part of the body doesn't scar?

The cornea of the eye does not scar because it lacks blood vessels and is made up of specialized cells that can regenerate without forming scar tissue.

What was the violent cartoon movie with the hare with a scar on his eye?

Watership Down

Can people scar the iris of their eye?

Yes, the iris of the eye can become scarred or damaged from injuries, surgeries, or certain medical conditions. This can result in changes in the appearance or functionality of the iris, such as affecting pupil size or reducing the ability to control light entering the eye. Treatment depends on the underlying cause and severity of the scarring.