Sales on tow trucks aren't very common, but a person could start by looking locally at any towing companies. If there any towing companies in the area, someone could call or visit them to see if they're selling any repo tow trucks, and if they're not, proceed to ask if they know of any that are for sale.
There are a number of online websites where one can find information about repossessed trucks for sale. Some of these websites include Repodirect, Repo, RepoCenter and South Surrey Repo.
The services of Repo Depot is to sell repossessed items. A person may bid on various items like cars, trucks, equipment, real estate, boats and aircraft.
If you are interested in selling repo trucks, you can place an ad in the local newspaper, EBay, Craigslist, or put up flyers around your neighborhood to attract buyers.
about $825.00 for a small car $1025.00 for large and mid. trucks. large trucks billed by both hourly and by the honestly it isn't up to the repo companies anymore many contracts between the lien holder and the debtor control the fees.
Repo trucks are essentially the same as a tow truck or flatbed tow truck. They are used to repossess vehicles for non-payment. They have a larger engine, reinforced frames and hydraulic lifts that are needed to tow another vehicle. Repo trucks, depending on the size and tonnage, may require a commercial drivers license to operate.
Search your state, then your city at the link below. These are insured agencies. One could post an ad or look in the phone book or ask a loan officer at a bank for references.
of course he can, if he's tough enough.It's short for "Repossess". Loan companies that are not getting their loan payment from the person that borrowed the money hire or pay a fee to "Repo" companies that repossess such vehicles, ie. also boats, RV's, motorcycles, tractors trucks etc.
Repo men may call you at home if they are looking for the person who owes the debt. They are usually trying to locate the individual in order to repossess the property. If you are not the person they are looking for, you can inform them of that.
Way too many to mention much the same that a P.I. would use to locate an individual. Did you really think that you would get a repo man to tell you his secrets? Come on. there is many ways. and a repo person will find that car maybe not today but they will find it.
If you are the debtor, you could ask the lender or the PD in the city/town where the repo occured.
Search on "repo laws + [your state]"
Answer to Impersonating a repo manAnswer to "Can a person impersonate a repo man?" Not if you want to go to jail for grand theft-auto larceny or willing to be shot and\or killed.