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There is really no way to tell. Take the car to a shop and have them replace the transmission oil filter and fluid. Make sure to tell them you want the filter replaced because some places just suck out the oil and replace it without replacing the filter.

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Q: How can you tell if your transmission fluid is clog?
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Check fluid level in transmission

What Type transmission fluid for 1995 blazer?

Examine the transmission dip stick, it will tell you what type of fluid it requires.

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Remove the transmission dipstick and read it, it will tell what fluid to use.

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Clean pan, change fluid, filter and gasket if no improvement bring to a transmission shop

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Dexron vi Remove and examine the transmission dip stick. It will tell you what fluid is required.

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Check the dipstick, it will tell what fluid to use in that automatic transmission.

What type of transmission fluid does a 1993 ford mustang take?

Most likely it will take mercon transmission fluid. Not to be confused with mercon V transmission fluid. To be sure pull the transmission stick out and read the side of the stick. It will tell you what fluid to use.

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Remove the transmission dipstick and read what it says on the stick, it will tell you what fluid to use.

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If that is an automatic transmission, pull the dipstick and read it, it will tell what fluid to use.

What fluid goes in your 1973 Ford automatic transmission?

It should tell you right on the transmission dipstick.

Can anyone here tell me where the transmission fluid fill cap in a 99 GMC Sonoma is located?

Im not familiar with your car, but on some you add the transmission fluid directly into the stem that holds your transmission fluid dipstick

What happens if you dont put transmission fluid in your car 4 along time and how do you know if something is wrong with transmission?

not sure about how you tell if something is wrong, but i can tell you without fluid in your transmission for any period of time can very possibly destroy it.