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Do a compression test Make sure battery is fully charged Remove all spark plugs Lock throttle fully open Check each cylinder Highest should be within 10% of lowest

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Q: How can you tell if you have a compression leak?
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1996 Chevy Beretta is overheating even after replacing the thermostat and the oil is sticky would this be an internal leak?

Do A compression test and a leakdown test too, This will tell you if you have A internal leak. The compression and leak numbers are not nearly as critical as the numbers being within 20% of each other across all cylinders.

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A compression check and cylinder leak-down test should tell you the condition of your engine.

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A compression test.

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Find the leak and repair it with a compression or push-in fitting.

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That isn't much consumption.. If it buggs you take it to a garage and have them give you an estimate.

How do you check for bad cylinder heads on your 305?

compression test or leak-down test.

How do tell if the head is out of your 3.1?

Have a compression test run. This will tell you allot.

HOW do you detect air leak small block 350?

A compression test will determine which cylinder(s) are at fault.

What is the problem in a 98 Mitsubishi diamante if car keeps over heating and antifreeze keeps going low and there's no sign of a leak?

If no visible leak is found then turn on the heat on high. A slight sweet smell indicates a small heater core leak that does not show a visible leak. Look at the oil dipstick. If the oil is frothy or milky colored then the coolant is leaking into the oil. Check the engine compression. Low compression can be a blown gasket causing coolant to leak into the cylinder.

What test measuresthe percentage of compression loss in a cylinder and helps to locate where the leak is occurring?

Cylinder bleed down.

How can you tell if it is a blown head gasket or a rod on a 96 blazer?

White smoke from the exhaust is a sure sign of a blown head gasket. You will also be loosing coolant with no apparent leak. A compression test will verify this. A rod will knock if the bearings are worn.

How do you tell difference between radiator leak or hose leak?

pressure test the cooling system