Call a professional locksmith, attempting to unlock the car yourself can cause more damage than the cost of the lockout fee.
I use the spare key that I have hidden outside the car.
If the spare key to the car is not readily available, call a car rescue company such as the AA, RAC or Green flag who should be able to assist you in getting your car door open.
You can open a locked door (From the outside: With a key)(From the inside: With the lock opener, usually by twisting it) :-)
if the car is locked no if its unlocked yes
Use the key.
If the window is open you can bend a coat hanger (or other wire) to lift the lock knobs. Otherwise I would hide an extra key on the outside of the car.
The key would be favorite.
Using a key
Use the spare key or call a locksmith.
You use your key to unlock the door. Then it will be open. If not, a locksmith can help.
on the driver door there is a few buttons if you look down. there usally at the bottom of the door but it depends on what kinda car you have.
on the driver door there is a few buttons if you look down. there usally at the bottom of the door but it depends on what kinda car you have.
With your key in the door lock cylinder.