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Removing the spark plugs and finding the spark plugs soaked with gasoline. Also the engine oil may have a strong odor of gasoline.

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Q: How can you know car is A flooded engine?
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What does it mean when a car is flooded?

When the car is underwater, typically cause of a flood in the area. getting too much fuel in the engine.

Car would not start after rain flood?

Your car's engine most likely got flooded when the water covered your car.

What is wrong with a car that will turn on but then turns off immediately?

chances are the battery is out of wack or the engine could be flooded

Can engine get flooded?

Yes, once water getst into your engine oil, your car will never survive again unless maybe a costly repair. -Jakeanswers

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Possibly, You have flooded your engine and you have to wait or you have a flat Glow Lighter. Or you'r actual Car batteries are dead!

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Why would your car sound like its clearing its throat when it starts?

It could be the engine or maybe water could have flooded the spark-plugs.

Your car got a little flooded the lights and dash still come on but the engine wont start what does this mean?

Water in the in distributor cap. Replace it.

What does it mean when white smoke comes out of engine?

the engine is flooded with gas

Does a flooded car work?

It wont start

What would cause a 91 Honda CRX si to start fun fine and when the gas pedal is stepped on the car bogs and turns off you start the car again and car will not starthour later car starts?

Engine is flooded. Too rich a fuel mixture will cause the engine to stall. Timing could be off as well.

What do you do if you flooded your car?

shoot a hole in the bottom of the car like in top gear.