An insurance policy gets lapsed after a period of 5 years' of non payment. Visit the Insurance Co's website,ask for status by citing your insurance policy number and you will be intimated accordingly whether the same is still alive or dead.
Ask the insured if still alive, or check the policy. You can also call the insurance company and ask customer service if you are the beneficiary. You would need the policy number.
== == If she is still alive, ask her. If not, write a letter of inquiry to the customer service department of suspect insurance companies. ie: the insurance companies they bought their own insurance from, the ones they bought your insurance from etc..
Phone the insurance company.
I have an old insurance policy dating back to 1948 is it still good
You don't. Insurance policy information is non-public.
Presuming your father is still alive, why don't you simply ask him?
You can contact the insurance company for a status paper of the policy to find out whether the policy was paid out or not.
One way to find a lost or missing life insurance policy is with the help of The Center for Life Insurance Disputes. They can help you locate policies that have been lost or forgotten about.
Call the life insurance company and ask. To get life insurance company contact information, contact A.M. Best & Co.AnswerTry contacting the Insurance Company or agent.
You will have to call the insurance company in order to find out if the policy is in force. You will also have to be the owner of the policy or the administrator or executor of the estate of the insured to find out. Otherwise it is against the privacy laws for you to inquire about another persons financial affairs.
How do I find out if my deseased father has a life insurance policy
Contact your insurance company or your agent. They can find your insurance policy number by your social.